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Opleding tot truffelceremonieleider

Truffle ceremony leader course

Facilitate plant medicine ceremonies?

Je voelt dat het je zielsmissie is om anderen te helpen in diepe processen met de helende krachten van de magische truffel? Als je wel eens, of vaker, innerlijke reizen hebt gemaakt met plantmedicijnen, dan zit er ongetwijfeld een deel in je dat voelt dat dit is wat de wereld nodig heeft om te helen. De wijsheid van fungi, de gronding, de gemoedelijkheid, het zelfvertrouwen en de liefde voor alles en iedereen. Zie je jezelf werkzaam binnen het veld van truffelceremonies? Dan is de opleiding tot ceremonieleider iets voor jou! In deze opleiding leer je over de theorie, de praktijk en de magie van het begeleiden van deze sacred ceremonies.

About the course

In the truffle ceremony leader course you will learn about all aspects of leading and guiding inner processes with and without the magic truffle. After the course, you will be able to lead group ceremonies and you will know what it takes to fully carry a truffle ceremony. If you show during the course that you can independently lead a ceremony well, carry your own processes and support those of others in all facets, you will receive, in addition to your certificate, a listing on this website as a certified ceremony leader.That way participants know it is safe to go on an inner journey with you and you can offer your own ceremonies.oals hereand you have the opportunity to offer your ceremonies through HOLY shit. . That way participants know it is safe to go to journey with you and to trust that you know what you're doing.

This training has a KTNO accreditation, which indicates a quality guarantee and that there are many years of experience in this complementary health care.

Welkomstvideo opleiding (ENG)
Video afspelen over Welkomstvideo opleiding (ENG)

Voor wie?

For 12 (aspiring) coaches or healers who have already experienced multiple inner voyages with magic truffles themselves and feel persistent enough facilitate this beautiful work to others. You probably already have a business of your own or you are thinking about starting one. Drives: making the world a better place, wanting to help others, deep respect for the wisdom of fungi.
Feeling inspired?


What to expect?

In a safe group you will embark on a huge adventure in which you are invited to work with your own processes and support those of others. After all: a good ceremony leader has felt their pains themself, confronted their own shit and been on many inner voyages to gain experience.

In een jaar met 10 volle opleidingsweekenden leer je over de kracht van sharing, lichaamswerk en energetisch werk met en zonder truffels. Je zult zelf ook verschillende reizen maken met verschillende magische truffels en ervaren wat microdoseren voor je doet. Je wordt een veilige en afgestemde spaceholder met een enorme toolbox om verschillende richtingen uit te stromen. 

For whom is this year training to become a truffle ceremony leader?

  • People who have no experience traveling with truffles themselves yet;
  • People who see truffles as a fun trip drug instead of a therapeutic medicine;
  • People younger than 18 years of age.

What will you learn as a truffle ceremony leader?

  • The history and theory of the truffle
  • The physiological, psychological and energetic effects of psilocybin
  • The contra-indications of psilocybin
  • Different kinds of truffles and ways of consuming them
  • How to be a good spaceholder
  • How to create a safe and comfortable ceremony space as a truffle ceremony leader
  • Different kinds of body oriented work to prepare or complement a ceremony
  • All about microdosing and dosing truffles
  • The power of sharing and how to set this up the right way
  • De magie van rituelen
  • How to guide from your knowledge, intuition and feelings
  • Pre-care and after-care
  • Legal background and administration
  • Business: how do you set this up for yourself after this course?
  • Above all else: knowing yourself. Who are you, what are you doing here and how will you do it?
Video afspelen over Impressie jaaropleiding

Impressie Jaaropleiding tot Truffelceremonieleider

"very meaningful and special"

"The training and working with Jenneke and the group has been very meaningful and special. It’s not always easy, but that’s okay because there is the right support in place and after every session I feel big shifts inside. I recommend this to everyone, not only to learn the skills and techniques but also for the personal development and growth.’’

Kristen Leigh

"Jenneke loves to teach and share her knowledge"

"Jenneke has a lot of love and passion for what she does and her clients. She loves to teach and share her knowledge and it shows, going the extra mile to add to the experience. The course is inviting me to grow and look at things in a different way. Teaching me to be more aware of subtle shifts and patterns and recognizing them in others. It also makes me get familiar with intuition, how it feels and learning to trust it. I reconnected with my creative inner child and making art again for the first time in years.’’

Dennis Ulijn

"Highly recommended!"

""The year-long training is already bringing me so much after three weekends! The program is very well thought out, with a nice balance between knowledge transfer, personal growth, and practice in facilitating. Jenneke is a master at sensing what is needed, effortlessly transitioning between her various roles, from teacher to nurturing support and 'firm' boundary keeper to co-host during a guest workshop. Highly recommended!"’’

Marieke de Leeuw

After course as a truffle ceremony leader... will be able to guide and facilitate truffle ceremonies independently. You will know all about magic truffles, inner processes and how to set up your own business to offer this or other healing work. As a truffle ceremony leader, you will find yourself in a magical field of work that allows you to connect every day and see the wonder of life. You will learn to be in tune with your physical, emotional and energetic body and you will begin to live much more consciously as a result.

Ready for the magic life?

Year training ceremony leader

12 months

Truffelceremonie opleiding

Dit krijg je:

  • Video call intake/introduction
  • 10 x training weekend
  • Heerlijke, voedende catering all-in (vega)
  • Online module & writing materials
  • Different kinds of bodywork and energy work like holistic pulsing, breathwork, inner child work, family constellations, voice expression, sound healing, coaching techniques and attachment
  • Theoretic and practical lessons about magic truffles and guidance
  • Interesting guest workshops from professionals
  • Reiki initiation
  • Participation in 3 truffle ceremonies
  • Guiding several ceremonies
  • Mushroom ceremony
  • Cocoa ceremony
  • Rapehceremonie & initiatie
  • Grow your own magic shrooms
  • Closing cactus ceremony 
  • WhatsApp group for sharings and questions
  • Certificering na succesvol theorie- en praktijkexamen
  • Digital badge for on your site and mention on our certified ceremony leader page 
  • Option to facilitate ceremonies for HOLY shit. afterwards (if we think it's a match)
  • Deep journey into yourself


  • HOLY Goodiebag t.w.v. €125,-
  • Microdosing journey worth €219,-
  • Professional pictures of yourself guiding
  • New soul family


  • Overnachtingen


Icon euro-teken

Investering: € 5500,-*

Payment in 6, 12 or 24 installments is possible
* Rate is excluding VAT

Locatie icon


Temple of the Sun (Heerlen)

Zandloper icon

Training weekends

11 & 12 juli 2025
22 & 23 augustus 2025
19 & 20 september 2025
31 oktober & 1 november 2025
12 & 13 december 2025
23 & 24 januari 2026
20 & 21 februari 2026
20 & 21 maart 2026
17 & 18 april 2026
12 & 13 juni 2026

This course reimbursed by your employer?
Many companies have a budget for the personal development of their employees. If so, do not choose to pay as mentioned above, but send an email with the invoice details to
Zijn met je pijn
Investment too high for you (right now) or course too intense?

You can go to HOLY shit. Academy and take holistic modules and classes at your own pace.
Do you want to participate in a truffle ceremony first? Click here.

What others say:

Donna Ubags

Jessica Frijling

Kristen Leigh

About the facilitator

“Mijn naam is Jenneke van Genechten (1988) en ik begeleid plantceremonies sinds 2014. Ik geloof in magie, verwondering en daadkracht. Volgens de universele wetten gebeurt alles met een reden en komt alles op het juiste moment (divine timing), in de juiste volgorde (divine order) en met de juiste mensen (divine people). Sinds ik volgens deze wetten leef, is mijn leven simpeler, relativeerbaarder en vol vertrouwen.”

“Ik studeerde overigens psychologie aan de Universiteit van Maastricht, kwam erachter dat dit veel te cognitief-gericht was voor mij en ging erna aan de slag met vele cursussen, workshops en opleidingen om de kracht van lichaamswerk en plantmedicijnen te leren en te faciliteren. Met plantmedicijnen bedoel ik de kracht van de natuur in al haar facetten: van kruiden (ayurveda) en etherische oliën tot Moeder Aya, magische truffels, de cactus en andere psychedelische en niet-psychedelische soortgenoten. Met de plantmedicijnen ontdekte ik pas echt alle lagen van mijzelf en kon ik bij mijn cliënten stukken helen waar ik met cognitieve gedragstherapie niet bijkwam. Ik raakte gefascineerd door de helende kracht van paddenstoelen en besloot na mijn jarenlange ervaring als Aya-begeleider alles te onderzoeken dat met magische truffels te maken had om er expert in te worden en truffelceremonies te kunnen faciliteren aan mijn coachingcliënten en groepen. Op dat moment was de wereld in de ban van de Moeder Aya (toen nog gedoogd) en kon ik mijn terrein verkennen met de enkele landelijke aanbieder van truffelceremonies op dat moment.”



Passing on my knowledge
"Within my ceremonies I saw miraculous results with decreasing anxiety patterns and depressive tendencies and an increasing connection with nature, the self and others in a more compassionate way. Many people came back after their first ceremony to experience more of it and to peel off other layers of themselves. Before I knew it, I was giving weekly ceremonies on a busy schedule. At this moment I decided to dedicate myself to passing on my knowledge. This way I can contribute to the birth of good process guides and the spread of safe ceremonies and more magic in this world. This truffle ceremony leader course is the only one in the Netherlands with this duration, intensity and completeness. You can’t learn this work in one weekend. That’s why I’m asking for a year-long commitment to explore this field of work extensively together, to give things time to land and to experience and play with the magical world of the healing truffle yourself."

I believe ...
… dat alles psychosomatisch is, dat we er als ziel voor kiezen om NU op deze aarde te zijn, dat alles gebeurt met een reden en dat alles een volgorde heeft en timing heeft. Dit is je moment.

Opleiding tot truffelceremonieleider weekend


We zullen altijd starten met meditatie, sharing en theorie, oefening of een ceremonie. Je neemt deel aan (en begeleidt) verschillende soorten ceremonies, waaronder cacao, rapeh, truffels en de cactus als groepsafsluiter. Van de truffelceremonies zul je aan de helft deelnemen en de andere helft begeleiden of zelfs leiden. Buiten de ceremonies om doen we verschillende soorten innerlijk werk en krijg je theorie over magische truffels en het helingswerk in dit prachtige veld. 

That you can call yourself a HOLY shit. certified truffle ceremony leader and can display the certification on your website so that participants can see that you know what you’re doing. Additionally, you will be listed on our podium page as a trained ceremony leader, allowing HOLY shit. customers in your vicinity to potentially be referred to you.

Then we will discuss together how to catch up on the missed material so that you can still get your certification. You are allowed to miss one weekend.


De BTW kun je terugvragen op het moment dat deze opleiding valt onder het op peil houden van je vakkennis, dus bijvoorbeeld als je als coach/therapeut/lichtwerker werkzaam bent. Laat je daar echter niet door haasten. Alles komt als het komt en je kunt ook deelnemen als particulier. Het is en blijft wel een zakelijk ‘product’.

Absolutely, and preferably more than once. After all, you are going to guide people on a plant medicine that you want to know through and through! As a ceremony leader, you need to know what kind of inner voyages people can get into. You can only succeed if you have experienced it yourself. To participate in the course you are expected to have participated in at least one official truffle ceremony at HOLY shit. or a similar organization. During and after your course, you'll have plenty of opportunities to get to know the truffle a little better, but you need to know what it’s about before you begin.

Sure! You can choose between 6, 12, or 24 installments if you prefer not to pay all at once. There will be a one-time €15,- administrative fee added on top.

Naast 20 lesdagen en een intakesessie zul je zelf onder andere 2 volledige ceremonies draaien, een losse sharing circle organiseren, een cacao/truffelcirkel, een microdoseringstraject (volgen én begeleiden) en andere thuisopdrachten doen, zowel praktijk als theorie. Houd er rekening mee dat je gemiddeld 4 uur per week bezig bent aan thuisstudie en thuisopdrachten.

Twelve. We keep it small so that there can be enough personal attention for everyone. 

No. The course includes everything you need to facilitate safe ceremonies, so you are expected to attend everything in order to receive your certification.

Yes and no. The course is specifically focused on working with magic truffles. Body oriented work and facilitation work is of course quite general, although each type of plant medicine requires its own approach. In any case, it gives a nice foundation for any kind of guidance work, but if you want to work with other plant medicines, we recommend that you seek depth in those first.

That's just fine. You will get all the tools you need to get you started, but you also need to be energetically ready. Take all the time you need and, if necessary, stay active at HOLY shit. as a facilitator for a while longer until you feel confident enough to start for yourself.

No. It doesn't matter how experienced you are with body oriented work and/or coaching and/or plant medicine; as long as you join in with a pure intention you are perfectly welcome. After all, you’re here to learn, so you don't have to master anything just yet. However, it is important that you have no contraindications to the use of magic truffles. More about contraindications on this page. If you do have any contraindications and you still want to participate, you can do so in consultation. You will not be able to participate in the ceremonies themselves, but all other workshops and classes are no problem.

In het Nederlands. Enkel de microdoseringsmodule (bonus) heeft vooralsnog Engelstalige video’s.

This is a business 'product'. Therefore, an exclusive VAT amount is stated on the page. We assume it will be purchased by entrepreneurs (to be). After all, you learn to facilitate ceremonies and to operate a business, you register with the Chamber of Commerce (as soon as you are ready! we will assist you if necessary). Business products have a legal cooling-off period of 48 hours. If for any reason you wish to cancel 48 hours after making your deposit, there are associated costs that you can find in the education's terms and conditions

Will you become the new truffle ceremony leader?

You can register for the truffle ceremony leader course using the button below. You will be redirected to the payment page, where you make a deposit payment of €250,- to make sure that you are sincerely interested when we reserve your spot. After your registration you will receive an automatic email with the intake form (check your spambox if necessary). After approval of your intake form, you will be notified that you are officially registered as a student and you will receive further information. Of course: if your intake is not approved, you will receive your deposit back.

Are you ready for the magic journey of your life?


Hieronder kun je je aanmelden voor de Jaaropleiding van 2025-2026.
De aanbetaling is €250,-. Hiermee reserveer je je plek. Dit wordt verrekend met je lesgeld.

Holy playlists

Many participants like to use playlists after the ceremony in their meditations or as a reminder of the day. That’s why you can find the four main playlists of HOLY shit. below. Enjoy the afterwaves!

HOLY Deep Relax
For entrance, for relaxation and for the start of the ceremony.

HOLY Truffle Ceremonies
This is the music that really accompanies participants on their voyage and that will be played for most of the ceremony.

HOLY Soft Chill
This is music with singing, soft, relaxing and inspiring, for the end of the ceremony.

HOLY Happy Chill
Joyful music with vocals for more exuberant mood and celebration.

